Dubai: Have you ever received missed calls from unidentified international numbers? UAE telecom operators cautioned residents not to call back. Generally known as the ‘Wangiri Fraud’ method, the violators make money when the victim calls back on the expensive numbers.
Victims get charged excessive payments while on the call, which usually has a pre-recorded message or tone created to hold the caller connected for a prolonged duration. The fraudsters earn money this way when they share revenue with the telecom operator for the premium connection. This method functions via countries were taking and using such connections is less regulated. The calls could emanate from Nauru, Liberia, etc.
Other than the shocking bill at the end of the call, fraudsters can also acquire access to your information and could use cyber attacking techniques to defraud victims similarly. Never return such calls, professionals warn, as genuine callers will either call back or leave a message for unreturned calls. You can inform phone scams by calling 901 and selecting the appropriate category for complaints. You can also report such frauds to your service provider that is du or Etisalat through their separate customer care sections.
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