Veteran actor Vishwa Mohan Badola, who was a part of several television shows, films and was a known name in theatre, has passed away at 84 due to age-related ailments. His son and actor Varun Badola shared his father’s demise through social media. “So exemplary” that he had no choice but to follow. ” If you think that I am a good actor, blame him. If I write, he has to take the onus. If I sing… well if I had just about 1/10th of his singing talent, I would have become a singer,” read a part of his post.
Vishwa was a journalist by profession. He had been a part of many memorable films including the recent ones Swades, Jodhaa Akbar, Lage Raho Munna Bhai, and Jolly LLB 2. He had also worked with his son in the television show, Aek Chabhi Hai Padoss Mein. Badola breathed his last on Monday night.
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