Recently, WhatsApp added a “Shopping Button” on the messaging platform. It directs the user straight to the list of items on sale. Now, the company has added an “ADD TO CART” feature.
Yesterday, WhatsApp said, “WhatsApp is fast becoming a store counter to discuss products and coordinate sales. Catalogs have allowed people to quickly see what’s available and helped businesses organize their chats around particular items. With more and more shopping happening through chats, we want to make buying and selling even easier. ”It added, “Starting today, we’re excited to bring carts to WhatsApp. Carts are great when messaging businesses that typically sell multiple items at once, like a local restaurant or clothing store. This will make it simpler for businesses to keep track of order inquiries, manage requests from customers, close sales.”
A support page on the WhatsApp website explains the ways to use the new feature. Accordingly, the new update will show a CART button when browsing through the catalog. Users can personally add many items of a seller to their Cart and make shopping on WhatsApp easier.
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