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Weather Forecast in Delhi: Chilly spell intensifies in the National Capital

Yesterday, the national capital reported a maximum temperature of 15.2 degrees Celsius, seven degrees below normal, which was increased by fast icy winds blowing through the day, dropping city residents shivering.

Mahesh Palawat, vice-president, climate change and meteorology at Skymet Weather said, “The ‘feels like’ temperature is much lower because of the icy cold winds that are blowing at 15 to 20 kmph. We don’t expect relief from the bitter cold till December 21. A western disturbance is approaching around that time which will not have much impact on the plains. But the relief will be marginal, an increase of only one-to-two degrees Celsius.”

The UK Met Office said, “For example, in winter a strong wind can feel much colder than the measured temperature would indicate. Conversely, on a humid day in summer, it can feel uncomfortably hotter than the air temperatures would suggest on their own.”


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