Arabic Language and Youth is the theme of World Arabic Language Day celebrations in 2018, which are held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, on 18 December. The Arabic language is a pillar of the cultural diversity of humanity. It is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, used daily by more than 290 million people. The date coincides with the day in 1973 that the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted Arabic as the sixth official language of the Organization.
Every year, the global event of UN Arabic Language Day is observed under a specific theme or a topic. The UN has said that the official theme for UN Arabic Language Day 2020 will be ‘Arabic Language Academies: Necessity or Luxury? The first observance of UN Arabic Language Day took place in the year 2010. It was in the same year when the UNESCO had established this event aiming to ‘celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity and promote the equal use of all the 6 official languages in the UN and all its branches’.
Arabic is a strongly pronounced language, which manifests in particular in the 15th letter of its alphabet. The sound does not exist in any other language around the world, which gave Arabic the title of the language of ??d.
The language of the Quran, Arabic does not only hold a symbolic value among Muslims, but is spoken in many churches in the Arab world. A significant part of the Jewish history was also originally written in Arabic.
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