Seoul: The powerful sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un hurled officials in Seoul over their tracking of a potential military march in Pyongyang at the weekend.”The southerners are a really eerie group difficult to concede,” Kim Yo Jong, a key partner to her brother, said in a report provided by the official Korean Central News Agency.“They are the idiots and top the world’s list in misbehavior.”
Her remarks followed the conclusion of the North’s governing body congress, a key political function at which Kim Jong Un promised to farther expand his country’s nuclear skills and acknowledged errors over the administration of the economics. Kim Yo Jong had obliged to bear a demotion at the conference, not arriving on the lists of those delegated to the party central organization, after earlier being an substitute member.
But the issuing of a declaration in her personal name is an evidence for she continues a key player in the North’s tact, having been following its demolition of a liaison office on its side of the boundarylast year. On Monday, the South’s military announced it had identified “signs that North Korea held a military parade linked to the congress” in the middle of the night at Kim Il Sung Square in the capital Pyongyang.
It said it was “closely tracking” the action , which could have meant as the “actual event or its rehearsal”.The announcement prompted ridicule from Kim Yo Jong, who named it “senseless” and a display of a “hostile attitude” by the South.”We are only holding a military parade in the capital city, not military exercises targeting anybody nor launch of anything,” she said, affirming the scheduling of the ceremony.
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The South’s President Moon Jae-in mediated the conversation method between Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump, but that method deadlocked and the North repeatedly announced last year that it had no attention in discussing to Seoul. In his New Year speech on Monday, Moon said: “Our determination to meet at any time and any place and talk even in a contact-free manner remains unchanged.”
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