Telegram CEO, Pavel Durov, has revealed that the platform which has crossed 500 million monthly active users (MAUs), listed 25 million (2.5 crores) new users entering the platform worldwide in the last 72 hours alone as users avoid WhatsApp over data privacy concerns. These new users are scattered across the globe — 38 percent from Asia, 27 percent from Europe, 21 percent from Latin America, and eight percent from MENA (the Middle East and North Africa).
Durov commented that people no longer want to trade their privacy for free services and they no longer want to be held captive by tech monopolies.
According to data from App analytics firm Sensor Tower, Signal led with over 23 lakh new downloads in India, while Telegram clocked more than 16 lakh new downloads during the period between January 6 and January 10. Meanwhile, WhatsApp’s downloads fell by 35 percent over the same period, with 13 lakh new downloads.
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