As per reports, Malayalam actor Dulquer Salmaan has will be onto his next Bollywood film, after the 2019 project ‘Zoya Factor’ with Sonam Kapoor and ‘Karwaan’ with Irrfan Khan.’ Dulquer’s third Hindi film is seeming with renowned director R Balki, who has earlier made movies like ‘Cheeni Kum,’ ‘Paa,’ ‘Shamitabh,’ ‘Ki and Ka’ and ‘Pad Man.’
Hints are that the project is assumed to be a thriller. If it unfolds, the film would be the first collaboration of Balki and Dulquer, and the movie is presumed to go on floors in the next few months.
If reports are to be considered, Balki had been planning a thriller film for a while now. Once the screenplay was ready, the filmmaker apparently decided that Dulquer Salmaan would be the right choice for the protagonist in his story. We also hear that the team has started the post-production works of the project. The movie is said to have many mysterious characters, and the team might make an announcement about the shoot soon.
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