Mumbai: Mobile phone numbers of 500 million Facebook users up for sale via Telegram during privacy talks. The motherboard reports that the phone numbers are being sold by telegram bot. According to security researcher Alon Gal, this includes about 600,000 Indians. The subject was first reported to the world via Twitter by Alon Gal. In 2020, it was reported that the bot was operating to take advantage of Facebook’s weakness. The company said this has been temporarily resolved. However, it turns out that phone numbers linked to Facebook accounts in all countries are still accessible to anyone.
It has affected users from over a hundred countries, including India. According to the motherboard, if they have a phone number, they can find the Facebook user ID on that number with the help of the Telegram bot. In order to gain access to it, the telegram must be paid to the boat creator. A phone number or Facebook ID sells for $ 20. Rs 1460 in India. User data is sold as a whole; $ 5,000 for 10,000 credits (approximately Rs. 3,65,160). This is not the first time a similar security issue has been raised. In 2019, it was reported that the mobile numbers of 419 million Facebook users were found on an insecure server.
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