Twitter said that it has suspended more Indian accounts which allegedly spread misinformation and provocative content. Action comes after it was served with several separate blocking orders by India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. Company officials said that even after suspension, the accounts will be accessible outside India. The social media also made it clear that none of the accounts belonged to journalists, news organisations, activists and politicians.
Twitter had to temporarily block hundreds of accounts, including news websites, activists and a prominent opposition parliamentarian last week. This paved way for an online outrage and the company subsequently restored access to these accounts. It also prompted the Indian government to serve it with a non-compliance notice. It has acted against over 500 accounts, including permanent suspension of accounts for violating rules.
Besides this, the government identified a number of accounts which used provocative hashtags to spread misinformation on the farmers’ protests. Twitter asserted that it has taken steps to reduce the visibility of the hashtags containing harmful content. It will take all steps to by prevent toxic hashtags from trending on the platform. Company stated that it will continue to maintain dialogue with the Indian government and respectfully engage the government.
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