Bollywood actress Diya Mirza is tying the knot with Vaibhav Rekhi, with whom she has been in love for a long time. Pictures from the couple’s wedding are going viral. Diya came to the stage wearing a traditional beautiful red sari. Diya’s bridal look is simple and elegant in one word. Diya wore a red dupatta with a sari with golden designs and a large border. The special feature of the dupatta is the narrow border in golden color.
Diya wore a choker around her neck and matching earrings. Diya opted for Maharashtrian-style green bangles instead of the usual red bangles found at weddings. Diya’s specialty is that she is dressed without any extravagance. The red lipstick and simple makeup made Diya even more beautiful. The wedding will be held at Vaibhav’s Pali Hill home. The actress’s pictures from the bridal shower and mehndi also went viral.
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