The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in India has updated the guidelines to travel to the country from Oman. As per the new new announcement all passengers from Oman must register themselves on the Air Suvidha Portal after filling in the self-reporting through an online portal, www.newdelhiairport.in/airsuvidha/aphoregistration at least 72 hours before their scheduled travel.
All passengers must complete the e-submission of Self-Declaration Forms (SDF) through an online portal, www.newdelhiairport.in/airsuvidha/apho-registration before check-in, without fail. All passengers who wish to exempt from institutional quarantine must submit an exemption form through www.newdelhiairport.in/airsuvidha/apho-registration by submitting negative RT-PCR test reports at least 72 hours prior to boarding.
Passengers travelling to Kerala must register on the COVID-19 Jagratha Portal prior to commencement of journey through https://covid19jagratha.kerala.nic.in/.
Passengers can contact the Muscat office of Air India on 2476 2100 or email them at ialmctsales@gmail.com for further information.
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