Every five hours a rape, every 19 hours a murder, every 15 minutes a car theft… this is the picture of the national capital in 2021 so far. Though these averages are better than which was in 2019 (when the corresponding figures for rape, murder and auto theft were 4 hours, 17 hours, and 12 minutes), where we head to, specifically in terms of safety is a big question.
While the overall number of crimes against women decreased in 2020 when compared to the previous year, the national capital still reported 1,699 rapes, 2,186 instances of molestation and 65 cases of sexual assault against children. In 2019, registered 2,168 rapes, 2,921 instances of molestation and 109 cases under the POCSO Act (The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012).
And the police officials said that this was the first time in several years that all types of crimes against women had reduced. The movement of people curtailed during the lockdown is the reason pointed out by the police. At the same time reports reveal that the domestic violence and marital rapes have increased alarmingly because of the lockdown.
When it comes to rape cases, the Delhi Police commissioner SN Shrivastava said that less than 2% accused persons in the rape cases were strangers to victims. “The number of strangers involved has further reduced this year. In percentage terms, 1.77% of the accused were strangers as compared to 2.20% in 2019. As part of our strategy to tackle such crimes, we have identified hot spots (from where a high number of crimes against women are reported). Our teams work on such hot spots to reduce the numbers. Every complaint is monitored at the highest level,” he said.
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