Akshay Kumar has been nominated for Best Actor at the Dadasaheb Phalke International Film Festival. The jury said that his performance in the horror-comedy movie, Laxmii, was outstanding. The award is for the character in it.
Laxmii was a remake of the Tamil film Kanchana starring Lawrence and Sarath Kumar in the lead roles. Akshay Kumar also played the role of a transgender person in the film. The jury found this character to be a distinct performance. According to reports, the actor was given the award for his performance. Deepika won the best actor (female) award for her performance in Meghna Gulzar’s Chhapaak that told the story of acid attack survivor Laxmi Aggarwal. Her co-star Vikrant Massey bagged the honour of best actor in a supporting role for his turn in the critically-acclaimed drama, penned by Atika Chohan.
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