Delivery boy rescues a two-year-old girl who fell from the twelfth floor. The shocking video comes from Hanoi, Vietnam. The toddler falls into the safe arms of a thirty-one-year-old delivery boy Nguyen Ngoc Manhm. While sitting in the car to deliver the goods, a heard a cry of a baby from the twelfth floor of a nearby flat. He looked carefully and saw that the girl was hanging alone.
“I saw a girl climbing out of the balcony,” he said. He jumped out of his car and climbed up onto a nearby building to get closer should the child fall. “I mounted a two-meter-high tile roof to seek a proper position to get the girl,” he said, still trembling from the rescue. “Luckily, the baby fell into my lap,” Nguyen said. “I hurriedly embraced her then saw blood leaking from her mouth, I was very frightened.”
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