Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah greets Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on his birthday.”Happy birthday to the energetic BJP leader and Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Shivraj Singh Chauhan. He has given new heights of development to the state under his leadership. I wish him a happy, healthy and long life,” PM Modi tweeted.
“Wishes to Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Shivraj Singh Chouhan on his birthday. With such dedication and dedication, you should continue to work for the welfare of the people and the development of the state. I pray to God for your good health and long life” Shah’s twitter read.
BJP national president Jagat Prakash Nadda also extended greetings to Chouhan. “Greetings to Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh and senior BJP leader Shivraj Singh Chouhan on his birthday. During your tenure, the state is constantly on the path of development. I pray to God for your good health and long life,” Nadda tweeted.
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