Imagine that you are cheated by your partner whom you loved to the core, what will your response be?
People usually solve the problem between themselves or walk out of lives. And a few are extremely toxic that they commit crimes nurturing grudge in their minds. What if you can do something that won’t harm anyone but at the same time which gives a kinda relief? Would be great right!!!
Here is one such story from Oldham in the UK. The protagonist in the plot doesn’t have a name as she is a spouse in Oldham resorted to sticking ‘cheating husband” posters all around the town in hopes of getting some justice. One can see posters pinned on trees, bins, lamp posts, and even cars in the Glodwick and Alexandra Park areas of Oldham.
All the posters have gone viral within no time. They showed handwritten notes on A4 with the words ‘CHEATER ALERT’ in bold letters.”Do you cheat on your wife? Soon to be revealed (sic). Are you the ******* Street serial cheat?” read another poster. The third variant read: “Do you know where your husband is tonight? Last night? Last week?”
No one knows who began the campaign but the message is loud enough to grace international headlines.
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