Tattooing is fun. Many love to get tattooed as it is often considered a style statement. Meet the Columbian influencer La Liendra who has a QR code tattooed on the back of his neck. Why a QR code when there are so many other designs?!!!
The tattooed QR code was to open his Instagram page. But recently he has admitted that the code doesn’t work. He had posted a video o February 15, showing how the QR code apparently worked.
In the video, he is seen showing off his existing tattoos around his neck after which he revealed the QR code on his neck. The person filming the video then scanned the code. At once a message popped up to open Liendra’s Instagram page.
Netizens were stunned by the stunt while a few others said that the tattoo made them feel uncomfortable. One user said, “I don’t like it, he looks weird.” However, it has now surfaced that the QR code is of little use. La Liendra informed local plastic surgeon and friend Carlos Ramos who lives in Medellin city that his code wasn’t working.
In another video, the doctor said the influencer that his tattoo had “‘turned out fake because it does not open [social media].” It is still vague whether if the tattoo worked genuinely to open La Liendra’s Instagram account or it has stopped working only recently. If it was genuine. the current difficulty to login the account maybe due to a slight change in skin pigmentation.