Pakistan to block social media app TikTok. Spokesman for the country’s telecoms regulator said that the action comes based on a court order. “The court has asked PTA to block access to TikTok,” Pakistan Telecom Authority (PTA) spokesman Khurram Mehran told.
The ban comes after a private complainant said the social media app was spreading indecent content. As the company vowed to block all accounts involved in spreading “obscenity and immorality” the country had decided to lift a ban on TikTok in October last year. The move came some 10 days after Pakistan blocked TikTok for failing to block “immoral and indecent” content.
“TikTok has agreed to moderate accounts in accordance with local laws,” said a spokesman for the PTA. According to analytics firm SensorTower, Since the last year, TikTok was the third most-downloaded app in Pakistan.
Owned by China-based ByteDance, TikTok has become widely popular within a short period of time. It used to encourage young users to post brief videos. But the app later was been mired in controversy in a number of countries, with authorities raising privacy concerns and security fears due to its links with China. The app also was found spreading indecent contents.
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