Ambani bomb scare with another turning point. The Telegram channel that claimed responsibility for placing an explosive-laden SUV near industrialist Mukesh Ambani’s home in Mumbai, was created from inside a barrack in Delhi’s Tihar jail where an Indian Mujahideen terrorist is being kept.
The incident came into light following a raid by the special team of the Delhi Police at the barrack housing Tehseen Akhtar. During the raid, a mobile phone used to create the Telegram channel was found. Tehseen Akhtar was arrested in connection with the 2014 serial blasts in Patna targeting Narendra Modi’s rally. He is also linked to the serial blasts in Hyderabad and Bodh Gaya.
The police officials stated that a virtual number was created using Tor browser to create an account in Telegram messaging app. Tehseen Akhtar will be taken under remand for questioning regarding the mobile phone seizure. “Tihar Jail authorities have seized a mobile phone which is suspected to have been used for operating Telegram channel used to claim responsibility for terror acts/ threats” the Delhi Police said.
It was with the help of a private cyber agency that the Mumbai Police tracked the location of the phone on which the Telegram channel was created. Later the location of the phone was traced near Delhi”s Tihar Jail.
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