The ex- Bolivian interim President Jeanine Áñez was captured on Saturday after the country’s Attorney General’s Office issued arrest warrants the previous day against Áñez and five ministers from her former cabinet.
Áñez’s arrest was confirmed by the Government Minister Carlos Eduardo del Castillo del Carpio. According to the state channel Bolivia TV At least two of the former ministers have also been arrested.
The news agencies have not been able to reach the basis for the charges through the prosecutor’s office. But Áñez wrote on her Twitter account images of what she says are the six pages of the arrest warrant, which lists charges of “terrorism,” “conspiracy” and “sedition.”
In another series of tweets, Áñez told, “In an act of abuse and political persecution the MAS [Movement Towards Socialism] government has ordered my arrest.” She added: “It is accusing me of having participated in a coup that never happened. My prayers for Bolivia and for all Bolivians.”
Political distress in Bolivia started since the 2019 election, in which former President Evo Morales was announced as the winner but claimed the results were false and the election was canceled. Morales, who led the country for almost 14 years as the first indigenous president, alleges he was removed in a coup.
Áñez, who is arrested now was an interim president for less than a year and swore to hold a new presidential election, which was held in October 2020 after several delays. Luis Arce, the MAS candidate supported by Morales, won a smashing success. After Arce’s victory, Morales returned to Bolivia in November after paying almost a year in exile in Argentina.
“The authors and accomplices of the dictatorship that looted the economy and attacked life and democracy in Bolivia must be investigated and punished,” Morales wrote on his official Twitter account on Saturday.
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