There are as many car enthusiasts among the police officials. It has also been proven true through several videos that have been circulating on social media. But the police officer who got the chance to ride the superbike while on duty is now a star on social media. A police officer in Mumbai took a short ride on Suzuki’s superbike Hayabusa. The YouTube channel SC12 Vlog has released a video of a police officer having fun driving Hayabusa.
Policeman was driving Hayabusa on Sea Link Road in Mumbai. The video shows him getting on a very slow bike ride, stopping at a roadblock, removing the barricade and riding his bike to the owner. However, no information was available on the policeman, who drove the Hayabusa or the bike owner. It is believed that after stopping the bike as part of regular checking, he was asked to ride the bike. It is clear from the video that the police officer was riding the bike with great care and enjoyment. He drove the Hayabusa only a short distance.
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