Some days we over work and some days we may have to leave a little early from our work. That’s all normal. But what if your employer cuts salary for leaving your office or logging out just a few minutes before you complete the working hours? Sounds too rude right?
Anyone can leave the office early if he or she has done with the assigned works. In situations when someone is not well or is having some sort of emergency, the employers should be a little kind. But recently, a shocking news of leaving office early has been reported from Japan.
As per the reports, a few staff members from the Funabashi City Board of Education in the Chiba Prefecture were punished with pay cuts for leaving office just two minutes early. The management took strict action to the fact that 316 early departures had taken place between May 2019 and January 2021. It also found that of 316 early departures, many employees wrote a false time in their card so that they could leave work early.
The report also stated that a 59-year-old employee, an assistant section chief at Lifelong Learning Department, was helping other employees leave work early. In response, she was handed a one-tenth deduction in salary for three months. The woman penalized with a pay cut was leaving work two minutes earlier than her log-out time of 5:15 PM. Later she told that she did so as to catch the bus home at 5:17 PM.
Besides this two others, said to be in their 60s, were also given written warnings. However the cruel approach has gone viral on social media. But it is sad to learn that this is not the one and only incident happening in Japan with regard to punishment by employers.
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