Abu Dhabi: The UAE has tested a new method of artificial rain. The new projects are being tested based on reports that water scarcity will be a challenge for the world in the future. The monsoon season in the UAE is from November to April. But this time the rain was very less. The aim is to combine the scattered rain clouds and concentrate more rain in one place. The experiment at the Dubai Sanad Academy, led by Professor Giles Harrison of the University of Reading in the UK, was successful.
It is estimated that cloud shopping can bring in 40% more rain than the traditional way. Prof. Harrison said the new experiment would result in more rain than usual. Dr. Abdulla al-Mandoos, director of the Meteorological Observatory, said the rain cloud project, called Cloud Shopping, would be expanded to focus on water conservation and agricultural development. The project will help in raising the groundwater level and expanding agricultural areas. There are plans to increase water availability and treat and reuse wastewater through various initiatives.
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