Orange is a very easily available fruit to buy in our country. Orange juice is a good drink in this summer. Let’s get acquainted with the beauty tips with orange. Add a teaspoon each of orange juice, radish juice, and powdered turmeric, and apply the paste on the face to preserve the softness of the skin. The benefits of this combination can be felt on the face only if done daily.
To get rid of blackheads
The first step is to dry and grind the orange peel. This powder should be mixed with oats and yogurt to form a paste. After massaging this paste, the blackheads will say goodbye to the face.
To get rid of acne
Dry and powdered orange peel can be dipped in orange juice and applied to the face to get rid of acne and blemishes.
Whiten teeth
Add Dried and grinded orange peel with salt, use this paste to the teeth to increase the whiteness of the teeth.
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