Dr. Timothy Clark, who lived in Vermont, USA, was very scared of being buried alive. The talk was that he had this suspicion because he was a doctor. Interestingly, he had also arranged for an escape route in such a situation. Dr. Timothy Clark made a windowpane in the grave he had prepared for himself and also a bell. His intent was to ring the bell inside the tomb to reveal that he was not dead and to break the glass-covered window to escape if he was still alive after being buried.
The tomb is in Evergreen Cemetery in Vermont. Dr. Timothy Clark died in 1983 and was buried in this tomb. The body was buried after being declared dead, so no bells have been heard from inside the tomb so far. But over time, the view through the glass panes became invisible. Tiktok customer @bobbiecurtislee revealed the story of this unique tomb. “Timothy patented the design for his own gravesite; not only did he include a window on his tombstone, but he also built a contraption that included a bell. In the case that Timothy woke up underground, he could pull a string and ring the bell to signal for help,” TikTok user explained about the unusual grave.
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