The All India Bar Examination (AIBE-15) result has been declared on the official website allindiabarexamination.com. The undergraduate law entrance exam was conducted on January 24. The candidates can check their results by logging into the admission portal using their roll number and date of birth.
Steps To Check AIBE XV Results
Step 1 Visit the official website allindiabarexamination.com
Step 2 Click on the notification stating AIBE XV results
Step 3 Candidates will be directed to AIBE XV login window
Step 4 They can access the AIBE XV score card, download it for further use
The All India Bar Examination (AIBE) was held as a centre-based offline exam for 100 multiple choice questions. To pass the AIBE, general category candidates had to score at least 40 per cent marks and SC, ST candidates need to obtain a minimum of 35 per cent marks in the test.
The Bar Council of India (BCI) had already released the AIBE XV answer keys.
The AIBE XV qualifying candidates will be awarded the Certificate of Practice (COP) for practising law in an Indian court. The COPs enable the candidates to practice in an Indian court of law.
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