The long-awaited trailer of actor-filmmaker R Madhavan’s directorial presentation Rocketry: The Nambi Effect. The film is based on the life of Nambi Narayanan, a former rocket scientist at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), who was wrongly charged with spying and arrested in 1994. He was acquitted by the Supreme Court in 1998. The trailer opens with R Madhavan as present-day Nambi Narayanan in a bearded and bespectacled avatar. In his chat with Shah Rukh Khan, who features in a small role in Rocketry, the onscreen Nambiar tells him to step carefully unless history will recur. This sets the mood for disclosing Nambi Narayanan’s life story, starting from when he was in charge of the cryogenics division in ISRO.
In the trailer pictures rocket scientist Nambi Narayanan as “an arrogant genius”, superbly portrayed by R Madhavan. His dream was to serve India make an impression in the industrial satellite market by bringing to life the rockets he was imagining. The trailer also gives a sight of Nambi Narayanan’s “genius” inventions not only in his home country but also in Scotland, France, Russia, among others and goes on to explain he left NASA for ISRO – just one of the many nationalistic indications he made for India. “But what destroyed him was his patriotism,” says the trailer.
When it comes to the second part of the trailer, there is the heartbreaking story of when he was accused of giving confidential documents on India’s space programme to foreign countries in 1994. Nambi Narayanan was arrested in Kerala that year itself and he spent nearly two months in jail. The Central Bureau of Investigation suspended charges against him in 1996 and two years later the Supreme Court also removed his name.
Rocketry: The Nambi Effect, is written by R Madhavan himself. The film will release in English, Tamil, Telugu and Kannada in “Summer 2021.” Shah Rukh Khan stars in the Hindi and English translations, actor Suriya will play the part in the Tamil release.