Guantánamo Bay detention center – a representation of torture, rendition, and uncertain confinement without assessment or trial – is in its 15th year of survival. Shortly after he is elected president in 2009, Barack Obama promised that he would shut the camp within one year. A previously secret unit within the Guantanamo Bay detention center that had slipped into deterioration has been locked and the inmates relocated to different buildings on the American base in Cuba, the U.S. military declared on Sunday. The prisoners at Camp 7 were moved to a facility near to where the other inmates on the base are kept as part of what U.S. Southern Command announced in a statement was an try to “increase operational efficiency and effectiveness.”
Miami-based Southern Command, which manages the confinement center at the southeastern boundary of Cuba, did not respond to the number of prisoners who were relocated. Administrators have before said about 14 men were detained in Camp 7. There are 40 prisoners at Guantanamo. Southern Command said the Camp 7 prisoners were transferred to Camp 5 “safely and without incident,” but did not replied when the transfer happened. Camp 5, which was mostly vacant, is next to Camp 6, where the other detainees are kept.
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Camp 7 opened in December 2006 for prisoners previously detained in a network of clandestine CIA detention buildings, often mentioned as “black sites,” where they were enslaved to cruel questioning procedures. The military operated it under a contract with the CIA, and Southern Command stated intelligence agencies were associated with the directions.
The military continued to refuse to admit the area of Camp 7 on the base and has never permitted reporters to observe the interior of the facility. Officials had said that the unit, which was never designed to be permanent, had architectural problems and required to be restored, but the Pentagon dismissed proposals to solicit money for the development.
Between those detained at Camp 7 were the five prisoners charged with war offenses for their affirmed parts devising and implementing logistical help for the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. President Joe Biden has said he plans to shut Guantanamo, but that would necessitate permission from Congress to move some inmates to the U.S. for trial or imprisonment.
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