Akshay Kumar was diagnosed with the coronavirus a couple of days ago. His wife author and former actor, Twinkle Khanna writes about the uncertain times the world is living in. Taking to Instagram, she shared a poem as she sits in her residence backyard. Sharing a video as she enjoyed her morning tea in her garden, Twinkle wrote, “A series of todays. All the same. Leftover rainwater in a pothole. The future, a battered road that stretches as far as the eye can see. What else can we do to delight the heart except float paper boats of the past across these stagnant puddles.”
Twinkle often shares pictures and videos from her garden. Twinkle had also shared an Instagram post about how she can turn any corner green. “Though a green thumb does sound like some sort of a fungal infection, I believe that I could possibly be the proud possessor of one,” she wrote.
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