Sweating is one of the biggest problems in summer. But with some precautions, the problem can be solved. Try these:
1. Make it a habit to drink six to eight glasses of water daily.
2. Fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of water should be consumed more during the summer season. It is better to reduce meat intake in the summer
3. Stress stimulates the sweat glands. It makes you sweat better. So focus on controlling stress.
4. Yoga is a natural way to control sweat. Excessive sweating is avoided by weakening the sweat glands.
5. Use deodorants and soaps that are suitable for the body.
6. Avoid clothes made of nylon and polyester and wear only cotton clothes. Use underwear made of quality cotton fabrics.
7. Applying sunscreen lotions to the sunlight exposed areas will protect the skin.
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