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Know how to use Amla to control diabetes

Gooseberry is one of the most powerful natural remedies used in Ayurveda since ancient times. Moreover, it is recommended by many doctors as a general remedy for many lifestyle ailments and skin and hair care. In addition, gooseberry powder is said to be the best for weight loss. Gooseberry is known to be an excellent source of Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, and Chromium which are effective in promoting our overall health. But did you know that gooseberry is great for controlling diabetes? Read on to know how Indian gooseberry can help control your blood sugar level.

Gooseberry has many benefits; It is very useful in controlling diabetes; It contains antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, tannins, and polyphenols that help control fat levels, lower triglycerides in the liver, and improve metabolic functions. The difference in blood sugar levels when eating it is initially small, but the complications associated with diabetes are controlled.

How to use gooseberry/Amla to control diabetes?

Gooseberry is easily available in the market in many forms, fresh, dried, and powdered. The best way to eat this is to drink pure gooseberry juice every morning. You can add some gooseberry powder to your diet to enhance not only the taste but also the nutritional value. To get all the benefits from this fruit, make gooseberry pickle and eat every day. However,  consult a doctor before including gooseberry in your diet as taking gooseberry and some medicines at the same time can significantly lower blood sugar levels. Eat gooseberry as prescribed by your doctor.


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