Gardening is another beautiful thing that has been gifted to us during the lockdown. The number of nurseries selling plants has increased in a very short span of time. Most people use indoor plants that can be grown indoors. But without proper care, all these cannot be kept clean. Try some gardening tips to make your home cool.
Apply some fertilizer
Feed your plants with small amounts of fertilizer. The fastest and simplest solution is complete liquid fertilizer in the recommended dose, usually every two to four weeks – check the label.
Do not overwater
Water your plants only when the potting mix feels dry to the touch – overwatering is often the cause of indoor plant death. Check by pushing your finger into the soil; if it comes out without any trace of soil on it, start watering. Remember that plants may need more frequent watering in summer.
Location of plants
Care should be taken to select suitable plants for each room. The room where the guests come can be planted with plants with nice glowing colored leaves with flowers. But in the study room, the bedroom, and the meditation room can all be planted with small light-colored plants that provide serenity. It is best to place small succulents on the laptop table. Larger plants should be placed in the corners of the room.
Not all plants can be grown indoors. Only indoor plants can be grown that way. If stalks are grown outside, they will stunt without adequate sunlight. Or if you put it inside, make sure it gets enough sunlight.
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