As per the instruction of respective state governments to cease offline classes in view of the second wave of COVID-19, the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) on Friday granted all the teachers to stop coming to schools and take online classes from home. The choice has been taken to restrain the spread of COVID-19 among students, teachers, school staff and parents and to assure their safety.
According to the official notification, wherever the state government has granted the conduct of physical classes, the Deputy Commissioner of the region and principal will be required to ensure that appropriate COVID protocols are followed.
“Wherever physical classes have been permitted by the State Governments, the DC of the region and Principal should ensure that appropriate COVID protocol is maintained. In case of suspension of classes as per the COVID protocol, KVS (HQ) should invariably be informed,” reads the official notification.
“While taking any decision, it must be kept in mind that the safety of students, teachers and other staff is paramount,” it added.
KVS has instructed all the teachers working from home to be available on phone. The principals can call teachers to the schools as per necessity. No teacher will be permitted to leave the station without earlier permission from the principal.
As per the orders, parents should be constantly informed about the academic activity taking place and also be sensitized to COVID-19 related protocol by administering an online parent-teachers meeting.
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