Actor Krishna Bharadwaj, who is known for playing the title role in his TV show Tenali Rama tested positive for Coronavirus. In fact, his complete family tested positive along with him two weeks back and was admitted to the hospital in Ranchi. His family members have got discharged from the hospital and he is yet fighting with the virus in the hospital.
Krishna Bharadwaj said in the statement, “Currently, I am at my hometown Ranchi but not having the best of time as me and my entire family tested positive for Coronavirus two weeks back. We had some major symptoms and we all were admitted to the hospital. However, all of them have been discharged after testing negative and are in better health now. But I am still recovering in the hospital as I am not feeling well completely. Hoping to get a discharged soon.”
Krishna is well known for his popular show Tenali Rama which went off air in November last year and its has been successful run of three and half years.