A 70-year-old man named Tilakdhari carried his wife’s body, who died due to Covid-19, for cremation on his bicycle as nobody in his village helped him fearing that they might contract the deadly virus, police said on Thursday. Two photographs of a frail-looking, bearded old man from Ambarpur village in Lucknow, are circulating on social media. In one photo, the man is carrying the body on his bicycle, and the other one shows him sitting helplessly by the roadside with the body reclining across his fallen bicycle.
Police said that Tilakdhari’s wife died due to Covid-19 at the district hospital on 26 April, and her body was sent to his village in an ambulance.”But the villagers including the elders refused to help him perform the last rites fearing they might also contract the virus. After no one came to help, the old man decided to keep his wife’s body on his cycle and go for her cremation. However, it was not possible for him to carry the body on a cycle and he kept losing his balance,” told SHO Madiahun Munna Lal Dhusia. After coming to know about the incident the police helped him. “Police personnel reached there with an ambulance and material required for conducting the last rites and took the body to Ramghat where the cremation was performed,” the SHO said.
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