In midst of growing criticism over new privacy policies, WhatsApp had filed a petition in the Delhi High court against it. In its petition, WhatsApp had alleged that most applications and websites have similar policies and collect even more data than WhatsApp does. The Facebook-owned messaging app had named companies including Zomato, BigBasket, Ola, Koo, Truecaller, Aarogya Setu and accused all of them of collecting more users’ data.
In the affidavit filed by the company in the Delhi HC, WhatsApp has cited the privacy policies of other tech companies including Zomato, Ola, BigBasket, Koo and government’s Aarogya Setu app. The application reviewed by Inc42 also cites US-based tech companies such as Microsoft, Google, Zoom and Republic TV’s website, Republic World, to prove its point.
“A review of the privacy policies of many internet-based applications and websites confirms that such policies include provisions describing the information they may collect that are similar to — and in many cases much broader than — those in the 2021 update,” the company wrote in its response.
Furthermore, the company in its application to the Delhi HC has claimed that blocking its update will not only undermine the users’ freedom to contract with a privacy policy but would also impact other tech companies in the country such as the ones that enable users to make doctors’ appointment or the ones that facilitate home delivery of groceries among others.
It is worth noting that the order comes shortly after WhatsApp rolled back its May 15 deadline for accepting its new privacy policy. The company recently clarified that no accounts will be deleted and that no WhatsApp users in the country lose functionality of the account for not accepting its new Terms of Service.
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