Australian farmers and factories are facing a severe attack by millions of mice, as farmers struggle to protect their crops from the worst rodent invasion in decades. In recent months, millions of mice have been causing massive destruction to crops and stored cereals in eastern Australia. Not only that, some have even made their way into rural hospitals and bit patients.
Desperate farmers are begging the government for assistance as a mouse plague across the NSW Central-West continues to rage on. Millions of rodents are invading schools, homes, and farms and wiping outcrops.
The mice population in Australia has increased exponentially. The mice are causing extensive damages to the cultivated crop and stored food grains. This is being referred to as Mice Rain. Also, plague in the country has increased in some places, the mice are pouring out like a rain as the farmers are cleaning their silos. They are running out every where. Recently, a video released in the social media showed mice pouring out of a machine while cleaning.
According to the scientists, the rodents are the most successful mammals in the planet after humans. A pair of breeding mice can give birth to new litter every twenty days.Plague is a life-threatening infectious disease caused by rod shaped bacteria called Yersinia pestis. It is found in animals such as rodents. As their population is increasing, the spread of the disease is also increasing. This means that the plague is increasing due to Mice rain.
The government of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia has extended a support package of $50 million to farmers to deal with a devastating mouse plague that has affected farmers, community members and residents. To control the plague, the government has now authorised the use of an otherwise outlawed poison called bromadiolone.
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