Jerusalem: At the time of the Palestine attack also Israel sends medical aids to India. The plane from Israel arrived in India yesterday with supplies including medical oxygen.
As promised, this is the third round of healthcare equipment delivered by Israel, distributed to India for medical relief. The second consignment of medical aid arrived on May 6.
Israel is fighting terrorists. So is India’s struggle with the epidemic of the corona. Israel’s Ambassador to India Dr Ron Malka said.
Even while #IsraelIsUnderAttack,
another airplane with oxygen devices and other emergency medical equipment from Israel arrived in Delhi. @ILAerospaceIAI has sent medical aid to #India. #IsraelStandsWithIndia in its #FightAgainstCOVID19. ???? pic.twitter.com/rVcBCp1EQn— Ron Malka ?? (@DrRonMalka) May 16, 2021
In the meantime, official Israel’s Foreign Ministry report had said that “the delivery of the assistance, which will be transferred to India by air through a series of flights throughout the week, is the result of the Foreign Ministry’s work in cooperation with the National Security Council, Health Ministry, Finance Ministry, and Control Center, together with full coordination with the Indian government through Israel’s embassy in New Delhi and the Indian embassy in Israel.” Their Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi had also said, “India is one of Israel’s closest and most important friends. We stand with India particularly during these difficult times India is experiencing and are sending life-saving equipment to our Indian brothers and sisters.”
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