Bollywood actress and sisters Karisma Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan on Saturday remembered their grandparents, prominent actor-filmmaker Raj Kapoor and his wife Krishna Kapoor. The Kapoors are very close to each other and often remember the departed members of their family with precious throwback photos.
The actresses posted a vintage photo of the couple on Instagram stories. In the monochrome photo, Raj Kapoor is seen smiling while holding a book and a garland, and his wife Krishna Kapoor, looks beautiful in a saree as she looks at him and smiles in the picture. The photo shared by a fan, was posted by Karisma Kapoor on her Instagram stories with a caption, “Dada and dadi” followed by a heart emoji.
While Kareena Kapoor Khan reposted Karisma’s post in her Instagram Stories with a heart.
Karisma and Kareena Kapoor are the daughters of Raj Kapoor’s eldest son Randhir Kapoor and Babita Kapoor. Amid the pandemic, Karisma has been spending time with her family and sharing pictures from her time spent at home.
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