New Delhi: Following the anti-allopathic statement following strong criticism Lich Viva Yoga Guru Baba Ram Dev. He also claimed that more people died by using allopathic medicine which is more than the death caused by Covid. There has been widespread opposition to this. Union Health Minister said the statement was unfortunate and should be withdrawn. Dr Harsha Vardhan asked.
Allopathic medicines have saved the lives of millions in the country. He was asked to withdraw the statement which drained the morale of the front line fighters. In a letter to Ram Devi, the Union Minister asked him to do so. Ram Devi was opposed by the Indian Medical Association.
Yoga Guru tweeted that he was withdrawing his statement. Dr Harsha Vardhan received the letter.
“We do not oppose modern medical science and allopathy. We believe that allopathy has shown immense progress in surgery and the lifesaving system and served humanity. My statement has been quoted as part of a WhatsApp message that I was reading during a meeting of volunteers. I am sorry if it has hurt anyone’s sentiment,” wrote Ramdev in his letter to the minister in Hindi.
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