London: A shocking revelation has come into light as some influencers has revealed that Russia has tried to malign the Covid-19 vaccine manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech by using fake news. Some popular social media influencers and bloggers have made this revelation. They revealed that a UK based public relation agency having links with Russia has approached them to spread rumours and fake news about the vaccine.
A popular social media influencer named Mirko Drotschmann has shared a screenshot of the email he had received. Mirko Drotschmann has millions of followers on social media. The PR agency has asked him to send us statistics on the age of his subscribers and how much it would cost.
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As per reports, the PR agency, Fazze, was founded by a Russian entrepreneur. The management of the agency has Russian connections.
Sehr interessant: Eine Agentur meldet sich und fragt, ob ich Teil einer „Informationskampagne“ sein will. Es geht darum, einen Link zu angeblich geleakten Dokumenten zu Todesfällen bei Corona-Impfungen zu teilen. Gegen Geld. Sitz der Agentur: London. Wohnort des CEO: Moskau. pic.twitter.com/5x0Wqx79oZ
— Mirko Drotschmann (@MrWissen2Go) May 18, 2021
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