Get ready to witness the dramatic first solar eclipse this year on June 10th. The rare sight will happen when the Sun, the Moon and the Earth align together to form a vibrant coloured ring around the Moon as it covers the Sun. The annular solar eclipse will last for over an hour.
During a solar eclipse, the Moon casts a shadow on the Earth creating a visual phenomenon as it moves between the Earth and the Sun, blocking sunlight. As the Moon covers the center of the Sun, the edges emit a glowing halo creating an illuminated ‘ring of fire’. The June 10 solar eclipse will be visible to stargazers in several countries.
Indian stargazers will see only partial solar eclipse this year.
The June 10 ring of fire or the annular solar eclipse will be visible from parts of Greenland, North-Eastern Canada, the North Pole and some parts of Russia. Meanwhile, Europe, North America, Asia, Arctic and Atlantic regions will witness a partial solar eclipse.
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