Deepika Padukone made a hilarious Instagram post for her admirers on Monday. She uploaded two photos of herself to the photo-sharing website. The first photo shows Deepika Padukone doing a Yoga asana, while the second shows her sleeping. According to the actress’ caption, this is her first “expectation vs reality” post. Deepika is seen in the first photo wearing a black sports bra and matching yoga trousers. The second picture, on the other hand, features Deepika Padukone in a white crop top and blue jeans.
In the post’s comments section, many of the actress’s followers could connect to her ‘expectation vs. reality’ post. In the comments area, one Instagram user commented, ‘U made my day,’ while the majority of others used laughing emojis.
Deepika had shared a gorgeous photo of herself earlier in April. Deepika’s husband, actor Ranveer Singh, commented on the photo twice in a row. In one of the comments, Ranveer Singh wrote, ‘Kya baat hai, sweetie,’ while in another, he added, ‘Elegance ki mooorat.’ Ranveer Singh embellished the message with a slew of affection emojis.
Deepika Padukone has an excellent list of projects lined up for her career. She is now working on Shakun Batra’s upcoming film, which is still untitled. Deepika will also be seen in Shah Rukh Khan’s forthcoming flick Pathan, according to rumours. The actress will shortly begin filming with Prabhas in Nag Ashwin’s flick.
Besides that, she will also be seen in Fighter, co-starring Hrithik Roshan and in the Bollywood remake of The Intern, co-starring Amitabh Bachchan. She will also appear in sports-drama 83.
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