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Kerala asks male government employees to submit ‘no dowry’ declarations after marriage

Kerala: All male government workers in Kerala must now sign a statement indicating that they have not accepted dowry from the bride’s family if and when they marry. The declaration must be signed by the employee’s wife, father and father-in-law within a month following the marriage.

The government’s Department of Woman and Child Development (WCD) published a circular requiring such certification to be made. WCD’s director, Anupama TV, is also the state’s Chief Prohibition Officer. Anupama has instructed heads of various government agencies to gather statements stating that workers have not sought for, accepted or encouraged dowry, according to the circular.

The heads of departments shall then submit a report on the declarations to the respective District Dowry Prohibition Officers twice a year, in April and October. The district officers should provide a report detailing which departments failed to submit declarations.

‘Giving or taking of dowry shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than five years and with fine which shall not be less than Rs 15,000 or amount of the value of such dowry, whichever is more. Similarly, demanding dowry shall also be punishable,’ the workers are informed via the circular.

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The Kerala Dowry Prohibition (Amendment) Rules 2021 were recently revised by the state government to create dowry prohibition officers in districts, with the WCD director serving as their leader. The decision was made in response to many incidents of young married women in the state dying as a result of dowry deaths. Three incidents of young women committing suicide came out within a week of June.

The Kerala government has also declared November 26 as Dowry Prohibition Day, during which students in schools and colleges will take an oath promising not to offer or receive dowry.


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