Mumbai: In Mumbai’s Dadar, a woman has filed a complaint alleging abuse and harassment by her husband as a result of his desire to have a son. The 40-year-old woman says she was forced to abort her fetus eight times as well as repeatedly administered with steroids injections, as many as 1,500 of them, in order to have a male child, reports the media.
In 2007, the woman was married to a wealthy, educated man. Both her husband and mother-in-law are lawyers, and her sister-in-law is a doctor. The husband began beating his wife, a few years after marriage, because he wanted a son to take care of the family and property. In 2009, the victim gave birth to a baby girl, and in 2011, she became pregnant again. She was forced to have an abortion by him. The accused even took his wife to Bangkok for a pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, where her embryo was examined and the gender determined.
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By examining the sex of the embryo before conception, the victim was subjected to treatment and surgery. She has been subjected to 1,500 injections of hormones and steroids without consent while she was abroad.
The police are investigating the matter and the investigation is in progress.
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