New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will inaugurate the renovated Chandni Chowk stretch today, at 4 pm. Along with the Chief Minister, Public Works Department (PWD) Minister Satyendar Jain, Ballimaran MLA Imran Hussain and Chandni Chowk MLA Prahlad Singh Sawhney will attend the function.
The stretch has been pedestrianized and turned into a no-vehicle zone, from 9 am to 9 pm , though non-motorised vehicles are allowed. The stretch comprises two footpaths, two carriageways and a central verge. The width of the road carriageway on the stretch is 5.5 metres; for non-motorised vehicles, a 5 to 10-metre wide pavement has been made on either side of the road. There are also 2.5-metre footpaths on either side. The network of overhead wires has gone underground while stone seats, bollards and planters are arranged in the Central verge. Public amenities like toilets, have also been constructed on the revamped stretch.
Work on the 1.3 km stretch between Red Fort and Fatehpuri masjid, has been going on since December 2018. The renovation works hit a number of roadblocks ever since construction began, including the ban on construction in the winter of 2019 due to rising pollution which was followed by pandemic-induced lockdowns in 2020 and 2021. An inauguration had been scheduled for April 17 but was cancelled due to surge in Covid cases that time. Then scheduled to be dedicated to the people by August 15, the programme got delayed due to heavy rainfall which the city has witnessed this monsoon.