Mumbai: The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has extended deadline for Aadhaar linking of UAN till December 31, 2021.
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‘After allowing sufficient time of almost four years for Aadhaar seeding, EPFO issued instructions dated 01.06.2021 cited above mandating that UANs is to be Aadhaar seeded for receipt of contributions through ECR. However, considering the challenges faced by the employers & employees in expeditious seeding of Aadhaar in UANs particularly in view of corrections required in Aadhaar data of employees in aftermath of second wave of Pandemic, the EPFO with prior approval of the Central Government extended the time for mandatory seeding of Aadhaar in UAN for filing ECR up to 01.09.2021 which was communicated vide reference cited 2 above. Considering the low Aadhaar penetration in the EPFO’s administrative Zone of North East Region comprising of Stales of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland & Tripura, time for mandatory seeding of Aadhaar in UAN for filing ECR is extended till 31.12.2021’, said the order issued by EPFO.
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