Gennady Zyuganov, leader of the Communist Party in Russia has told the local media that the national election commission must respond to the reports of appalling events of violation in the elections including ballot-stuffing and vote-buying on Saturday. The three-day election process started on Friday, 17th of September, 2021.
Many incidents of lax measures for guarding ballots and vote-buying were reported by the Golos election-monitoring movement and the independent media at different polling stations. The United Russia party appears to be dominant in the State Duma, but some observations suggest that the party could lose its two-third majority in the election. The Communists are expected to take up the share of seats lost by United Russia. However, the United Russia party which is devoted to President Vladimir Putin, seems to be certain to maintain dominance in Duma.
Zyuganov said that the Communist party has recorded more than forty voting violations. He added that the party will hold protests the coming week after the election ends on Sunday. The Communist party has already applied for the permits for protests. Several incidents of voting violations including the storage of ballots with insufficient securities and resealed ballot tallies were reported by the Golos movement. The independent media suggested that the long lines of voters formed at the polling stations on the first day of election could be a sign that the state institutions were forcing their employees to vote.
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