Chennai: Tamil Nadu state government issued flood alert in five districts in the state. The Public Works Department issued flood alerts in – Krishnagiri, Dharmapuri, Tiruvannamalai, Villupuram, and Cuddalore -districts. The alert was issued as Krishnagiri Reservoir Project Dam reached its full capacity.
Public Works Department officials said that the water level in the dam stood at 51.20 feet on Thursday against its full capacity of 52 feet. At present there is an inflow of 400 cusecs and the outflow is 500 cusecs.
Also Read: IMD predicts heavy rainfall in these states, issues yellow alert
Krishnagiri District Collector V.Jaya Chandra Banu Reddy said that the flood alert is applicable throughout the Thenpennai river pathways starting from the Karnataka-Tamil Nadu border to Cuddalore district, where the river flows into the Bay of Bengal.
Meanwhile, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted moderate rain in Chennai and its suburban areas till September 29.
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